Saving Energy – Saves Real Money

More than ever, the molders I meet with daily are concerned about inflation, the economy and staying ahead of the curve. The market seems good for now, but costs are up and putting a squeeze on profits. What’s the answer? Consider the energy and CO2 reduction products we’ve carefully added to our lineup.

Heating Systems

At Molders Services, we’ve seen a significant uptick in the sale of our RapidFire Radiant Heater Bands. Why? They truly do save energy and thus, cut operating costs. If you’re not familiar with them, check them out.

Here’s what you may expect:

  • Performance far beyond standard heater bands. They last longer and virtually eliminate downtime.
  • Immediate savings on power consumption and cooling costs. Much less A/C is required since 99% of the barrel heat is radiated inward. Cooler shop – happier employees!
  • Forget barrel blankets. They’re inefficient, actually contribute to heater band breakage, and most often end up tucked away on a pallet somewhere. The worst part is you’re still left with the same, inefficient, mica or ceramic heater bands!
  • ROI in 12-18 months. Some installations in 90-days with local power company incentives.

Call me to learn more – 248.585.8120.

Servo Hydraulic Systems

Another service gaining in popularity is our Servo Hydraulic pump upgrades. Let’s face it, the older systems consume a lot of energy, but replacing them with cheaper machines is not always the best answer. With this package, our service technicians custom retrofit your press with a state-of-the-art servo-hydraulic pump system.

What type of machines are eligible for this upgrade? Virtually any press running an outdated asynchronous hydraulic pump.

Here’s what you may expect:

  • Energy reduction typically from 40-60%.
  • Reduced noise level during operation
  • Less climate control cost.
  • Less load on cooling towers
  • Reduced carbon footprint.
  • Durability for long life.
  • Faster cycle times via faster clamp response time.
  • Commonality across all your different machines. No more different pumps & hydraulic system components for all your different OEMs!

Much better than replacing a machine!

  • All work is done onsite.
  • No equipment removal hassles.
  • No need for service technicians in your plant for weeks on end installing a new machine
  • No bank-building and long-term production disruption
  • Can be completed in just a few days – much faster than installing a new press
  • Retrofit pumps are much less expensive than OEM equipment
  • Most retrofits can be completed for under $30,000

Call me to learn more – 248.585.8120.

CO2 reduction mandates? We have the answer.

Both of the services we’ve detailed above count toward CO2 reduction initiatives. Depending on who provides your energy, these reductions are listed right in your bill.

With Molders Services, there are no surprises. We help you determine the available incentives. We partner with energy consultants, who will visit your site to determine eligibility for any incentives. You’ll know up-front what funding is available, how to get it and all the cost-benefit specifics. In many cases, the majority of the cost of the upgrade can be covered by incentives.

We’re always here for you.

For 40 years, Molders Services has been focused on the health and profitability of your business. That tradition continues with our newsletters and tips on energy saving. Call me anytime – 248.585.8120.

For your convenience, click here for a list of energy providers with links to their energy reduction incentive programs.