“Document your purchase requirements and get three bids so a decision can be made in Purchasing for the lowest cost items that meet your criteria.” Sound familiar?
While this may work for commodity products like paper towels, cleaning supplies and pencils, it rarely works well or saves money for buyers of sophisticated components for precision molding equipment.
Read on to learn how we can help ensure your purchasing department — and you — get bids that really can be compared.
The Bottom Line
No two suppliers’ barrels, screws, tips and related products are alike. What’s more, often the best buying decisions are made considering how every individual component will work together and perform optimally across varying applications and production situations. Not to be overlooked is the importance of value-added services offered by are true full-service supplier. These are the vital things we offer at no cost like to you, like engineering, consultation, customer service, and more.
Purchasing Considerations
At MSI, we certainly understand that every business has its own operating requirements, and we will always respect and abide by your purchasing process. But we have learned time and again that a partnership between a dedicated, full-line supplier and the customer is best. Why? It saves time, paperwork, aggravation, frustration and money. What’s more, no one knows your unique operation and requirements better than a full-service, experienced, reputable supplier. The truth is, whether you save $100 dollars on a screw purchase really doesn’t matter in the long run. Over time, however, consistency in buying from a technically superior supplier can and does offer significant and measurable savings in time, quality and money.
Meeting Your Purchasing Expectations
We will always provide the optimal products for your organization at the fairest prices. We may quote components from time-to-time that other suppliers do not offer or prefer not to sell, making a one-for-one competitive comparison difficult if not impossible. The reason is, screws, barrels, and tips are not commodities and thus are rarely created equally and may not perform properly in varying combinations. As you’ve likely experienced, even a detailed RFQ will result in supplier bid responses with different products that may or may not truly meet your requirements. Sadly, in some situations, the bids are submitted, prices compared and buying decisions made as if all components were identical.
While we may not always be the cheapest supplier, we will always be your best alternative and most trusted advisor. Our nearly 40 years of technical experience is a testament to this. That’s why we enjoy very close relationships – partnerships – with our large customer base and why we’re confident you’ll appreciate and buy confidently from us as well in the future.
We welcome questions based on quotes from other suppliers and will gladly price match a comparable component. Always “read the fine print” or call us to decipher what may not be clear in another supplier’s quote. You’ll find MSI quotes to be the most detailed and precise in the industry. No “gotchas” and no need for an interpreter to decipher what we’re quoting. We think that’s what our customers expect. Honesty and fairness. It is always our commitment to you.