Purge Performance That Exceeds the Alternatives
When it comes to purge compound, we’ve tried them all. And there is simply no better product available than Barrel Blitz Universal from Aquapurge®. Why? Performance. It gets the job done in less time to ensure you’re back up and running quickly without the worry of black streaks, specs or waste from changes to new materials and colors. Don’t trust any other purge compound when MSI can get you the best – quickly and at a competitive price!
You Can See the Difference
Removes tough baked-on grime and carbon deposits from injection components. Eliminates specks, streaks, contamination, and other molding defects across countless applications. Will not corrode or wear metal surfaces. Perfect for color and resin changes. Fast purge-out means fewer scrapped parts and time-saving strip-down for inspections. And Aqupurge is effective to 340˚C [644˚F].
Proven results use after use
Superior Value A Clean That Protects
- Saves cost on changeovers
- Saves time on screw pulls
- Assures best part quality
- Optimizes machine performance
- Minimizes waste
- Less grinding on screws
- Eliminates tedious brushing
- Build-up just lifts off
- 160˚C to 340˚C (320˚F to 644˚F)
- Safe and reliable
- Best quality
- Best price